Westwood Blues

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It's Official: Labor Peace!

The owners and the Player's Association have formally reached an agreement on a new 5 year labor contract. Among the highlights:
"Amateur Draft

1. Clubs that fail to sign first or second round draft pick will receive the same pick in the subsequent draft as compensation. Club that fails to sign a third round pick will receive a sandwich pick between rounds three and four in the subsequent draft as compensation.

2. Period of time before a Player must be protected from the Rule 5 Draft is changed from three or four years from first minor league season to four or five years from year of signing.

3. Signing deadline of August 15 for draft picks other than college seniors.

Draft Choice Compensation

1. Type C free agents eliminated in 2006

2. Also in 2006, compensation for type B players becomes indirect (sandwich pick) as opposed to direct compensation from signing Club.

3. Effective 2007, Type A players limited to top 20 percent of each position (down from 30 percent) and Type B players become 21 percent - 40 percent at each position (rather than 31 percent - 50 percent)."


Sunday, October 22, 2006

News and Notes (* With Update *)

Ken Rosenthal reports that a new collective bargaining agreement between the owners and the player's union is "expected to be completed before the end of the World Series." Of note:
"The deal will not eliminate draft-pick compensation for departed free agents, but the current plan will be modified, the source told FOXSports.com."
However, Tracy Ringolsby of the Rocky Mountain News reports (link via BTF):
"The new deal won’t have any major changes from the past, but there were be several subtle alterations that will have a long-term benefit. The two sides have agreed to eliminate draft choice compensation for teams losing free agents, and they will have a slotting system for bonus money paid to June draft choices."
Update 3:30 PM: MLB and the Players Association have reached a tentative agreement on a 5 year contract. Gammons adds this tidbit:
"The new agreement will likely end draft choice compensation for losing free agents, move up the contract tender date from around Dec. 20 to early December, and other small alterations. No pay-for-performance. No salary cap.

Just labor peace and a lot of money."

The stats at Baseball Reference have been updated to include the 2006 season. The stat that really jumps off the page is Pedro Feliz' offensive production...or lack thereof. Are the Giants really going to give big money to a 3B coming off a season where he posted an OPS+ of 79?


...Expandedbooks.com has a brief interview posted on You tube with Joshua Prager, the author of The Echoing Green...

