Westwood Blues

Monday, April 10, 2006

Quick Hitters...

From Steve Kroner of the Chronicle's new Giants blog:
"Taking three of four from Atlanta rates as an accomplishment in and of itself, but considering how good the Braves' pitching has been for the past 15 years, can you remember a four-game series against Atlanta in which the Giants scored at least six runs in each game?

It must have happened, but it'll take some research to figure out when."
As far as I can tell, the last time the Giants scored at least six runs in each game of a four-game series against the Braves was May 23rd-26th, 1929 when the New York Giants scored six or more runs in each game of a four game series against the Boston Braves.

There were more recent instances where the Giants scored at least six runs in four consecutive games against the Braves, but those games were spread out across more than one series...

(A tip of the cap to the magic of Retrosheet.)


The Atlanta Journal Constituion has a preview of a new book from Braves GM John Schuelholz. Included is this interesting tidbit on how Barry Bonds was an Atlanta Brave ... for 15 hours:
"He begins the first chapter by revealing that in March 1992, Schuerholz and Pittsburgh GM Ted Simmons negotiated a trade to bring Pirates star Barry Bonds to Atlanta in exchange for pitcher Alejandro Pena, young outfielder Keith Mitchell and a prospect to be named later.

"I was euphoric," Schuerholz writes. "Barry Bonds was a Brave! . . . There seemed no limits to what we could achieve over our approaching several seasons."

The morning after the GMs agreed to terms, the Braves were setting up a news conference to announce the deal at their West Palm Beach, Fla., spring training home when Schuerholz phoned Simmons, who told him he couldn't do the deal, apparently because Pirates manager Jim Leyland was furious that Bonds was being traded with a year left on his contract.

Schuerholz's account of the broken deal:

About an hour before the announcement, I decided to call Ted Simmons just to coordinate the timing of the release.

"We have a problem," Ted said.

"What do you mean, a problem? Don't want to release it just yet? What?"

"I can't do the deal," he said.

"You can't do the deal? You did the deal! Ted, you agreed over the phone, general manager to general manager. We made the deal!"

In baseball, that's about as sacrosanct as anything gets. That had never happened to me, nor has it since, where there was a total reneging of a trade. . . .

I guess we can say Barry Bonds was a Brave for 15 hours. At that time of his career, he didn't have the right to approve a deal, so I'm not even sure if he is aware this happened."

As someone who has spent several thousand hours of my life playing RBI Baseball, I couldn't help but link to this RBI Baseball re-enactment of Game 6 of the 1986 World Series (link - warning video file), even though its not Giants related (Link via BTF and Deadspin) ...


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

"Trade Barry" Billboard Mystery Solved

Dear Mainstream media:

It was a joke.

April 1st:

Same Billboard, April 4th:

Topps certainly generated buzz with their April Fools joke.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Happy Opening Day!

At long last Opening Day is finally here. Be still, my beating heart.

NL West Predictions:

1) Giants
2) Dodgers
3) Diamondbacks
4) Padres
5) Rockies

I pick the Giants to win the NL West every year and I see no reason to change now.

Quick Hitters...

As of Monday morning, there were still tickets available for Opening Day at Petco on padres.com ... The weather forecast for San Diego: Monday - 30% chance of rain, Tuesday - 90% chance of rain, Wednesday - 60% chance of rain. It rains in San Diego? In April?...
Diamond Mind Baseball projects the 2006 season. The Giants and Dodgers both finish 86-76...
Noah Lowry signed a 4-year contract extension extension with a club option for a fifth year. I like it. Nice work, Sabean...


Saturday, April 01, 2006

A's Forfeit 1989 World Series, Victory Parade in SF Tomorrow

The Oakland A's, the San Francisco Giants, Major League Baseball and New York State Attorney General Elliot Spitzer have reached a legal agreement where the A's will forfeit their 1989 World Series Championship. Under the agreement, the Giants will be named 1989 World Series Champions.

Controversy erupted over the A's 1989 World Series Championship after Regan Books released the book Juiced detailing Jose Canseco's use of steroids and after Mark McGwire refused to deny using steroids when he testified before Congress in March 2005.

Under the agreement, the A's do admit any wrongdoing. However, they will agree to forfeit the 1989 World Series Championship.

"At long last, the dark clouds of shame and asterisks have been removed from the 1989 Oakland Athletics. At the end of the day, this was the right thing to do. We did this for the children," explained Oakland A's owner Lewis Wolff.

"Now we can move on to more important things such as extorting money from local governments to pay for a new publically-financed stadium for our private business."

One member of the 1989 A's team was in disbelief upon learning the news. "What? But they ain't takin' my ring. You'll have to pry that from my cold dead hands, mother fucker," exclaimed an incredulous Lance Blankenship, a utility player on the 1989 A's.

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom announced that San Francisco would host a ticker tape parade on Sunday honoring the 1989 World Series Champion Giants. Because of the short notice, the only member of the 1989 Giants scheduled to attend the parade will be former Giants pitcher Russ Swan.

Bud Selig to Launch Investigation of Himself

Explaining that he was "deeply concerned" about the actions of the Commissioner of Baseball during his reign, Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig announced that he will immediately launch an investigation of himself.

"In particular, I'm very troubled by the fact that the Commissioner canceled the World Series in 1994," explained Selig. In 2003, Major League Baseball instituted a policy that prohibits canceling the World Series.

"While there wasn't a policy against canceling the World Series in place in 1994, I'm deeply concerned that it occured. And we must take the necessary steps to ensure that it never happens again. For the children."

Editor's Note: Happy April 1st!

